Water-free aparagus peeling machine

SpS 3.1, an asparagus peeling machine, operated water-free, transportable, therefore ideal for marketing

Asparagus peeling machine SpS 3.1 anhydrous

The SpS 3.1 is a peeling machine for asparagus that is operated without the direct use of water. Its equipment with a feed belt that can be easily removed for transport and cleaning.

The asparagus is fed via a feed belt with 23 chambers. Tree programms can be selected according to the bar thickness, which determines the frequency of the cuts. The contact pressure of the knives and the peeling speed are infinitely adjustable. In addition, the machine is equipped with a switchable dual pressure system, so that different knife pressure forces can be selected for the upper and lower areas of the asparagus. All settings are made on the robust control panel and can be changed during operation.

SpS 3.1 asparagus peeling machine operated water-free


No water is required for operation


Removable feeder and collection tray reduce the space requirement.

Spargelschälmaschine wasserfrei betrieben
Tree peeling Programs

Depending on the thickness, free selectable

Dual Pressure system

Switchable to adapt to different daily qualities

Attractive & easy to care for

Drei Seiten der SpS 3.1 sind mit Acrylglas versehen. Kunden können den laufenden Schälprozess beobachten. Dies übt erfahrungsgemäß eine erstaunliche Anziehungskraft auf die Kundschaft aus. Zwar wird der SpS 3.1 wasserfrei betrieben, aber dennoch mit Wasser gereinigt. Zur Aufrechterhaltung der Hygiene verwendet man am besten eine handelsübliche Sprühpistole, die als Kompressor Tool erhältlich ist.  Ebenso eignet sich der Wasserschlauch für eine gründliche Endreinigung. Hochdruckreiniger sollten nicht zum Einsatz kommen, um die pneumatischen Komponenten nicht zu beschädigen.


The three-sided glazing makes shopping with you an experience for the customer

SpS 3.1 asparagus peeling machine anhydous

Operating requirements are an electrical supply with 230 V Ac (light current socket) and compressed air with 6,5 bar (commercially available mobile compressor). The machine must be set up at ground level.

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Water-free operation


Easy cleaning

Asparagus peeling machine SpS 3.1